Saturday 4 June 2011

"Anatomy of the Un-seen" by Grace Kotze 6 - 25 June 2011

The “Anatomy of the Un-seen” is an exploration into the notion that the unseen can manifest in the physical. The internal “soul” of a person never goes un-seen, posture, muscle development, voice tenure, expression in the eyes etc. are some of the physical traits that describe the un-seen. This notion strongly resides in the portrait, bewitching in its potential to hold emotion.
The exhibition showcases a selection of faces that provided Kotze with strong clues into the un-seen. More specifically, they were faces that held true to her emotional state at the time of producing the works.
Kotze has known some of the subjects all her life while others she has only met a few times. Each has touched her through their physical selves which reveal what they hold close. The “Anatomy of the Un-seen” is a tribute to the subjects, the courageous nature of the human spirit and its captivating physical self.

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