Friday 6 January 2012

Phoneography– a group exhibition for all smartphone camera users

This is an invitation to partake in this exciting project.

Taking pictures with a smartphone (or a cellphone that has a camera) has become so popular, it even has its own name: iPhoneography, or smartphoneography for those who do not own an Apple mobile phone. You have been taking a lot of cool pix on your phone and now would like others to see them besides on Instagram and other sites and have a chance to sell them in a gallery environment.  Now is the time!

We want this exhibition to be of extremely high quality, creativity and originality. Use of applications and computer editing is encouraged!  Whatever you do, just have fun!

To enter the exhibition you will need to make works that fit the format of 12cm x 12cm wooden blocks onto which the image(s) you will mount.  These blocks are the entry fee for the exhibition and will cost R20 per block.  If you are unsure of how to get the images ready and onto the blocks we will have instructions at the gallery when you pick up your block(s).

You may buy more than one block and enter more than one work.  We encourage you to make this your showcase and thus use a number of blocks to create an individual theme or installation.  The cost for 10 blocks is R150 and for 20 blocks is R250.

In addition, the gallery will charge a commission on sales of 20%, which is well below our regular rate.  The sale price of each block is set at R100 each.

Please pick up the blocks from artSPACE durban or the COLLECTIVE from the 10th January.  Delivery of the finished works, which must be ready for hanging, is by 2nd February during gallery hours.

The exhibition dates are: 6 February – 26 February 2012.

Jessica Reim
Peter Bendheim
Karen Bradtke

Contact us if you have any questions.

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