Saturday 26 March 2016

"My Favourite Things" by Angie Arbuthnot 2 - 28 April 2016

Introduction of the artist by Pascale Chandler

Fun with colour and design, underpinned with her love for cattle, has allowed Angie to build a series of work that depicts her intuitive, raw and unapologetic art.

Starting with a history of under-painting, haphazardly scraped and splashed, she draws out of this “pasture”, her cattle, quietly chewing the cud! The contour drawings, as wobbly and unpretentious as they are, give life to the animals, forming structure and movement through the colour. A system of delicately adding and subtracting, washing away, scraping, and dribbling….. brings Angie to the point where she has achieved something unique and instinctual. Her colours are a celebration and her brushstrokes are bold. 

These are my favourite things…..

“I wanted to start with the familiar…. Having grown up on a farm and now farming with my husband, our cattle provide endless reference material; their square shapes, knobbly knees and boxy noses along with their nurturing and humble demeanours, give us endless hours of enjoyment!” 
The exhibition ends on Thursday, 28 April.

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